About the MFHEA


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About the MFHEA

The Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) was officially launched on the 8th January 2021 and is legislated by the revised Education Act which came into force on the 1st January 2021.

What does the MFHEA do?

  • provides accreditation to further and higher educational institutions;
  • provides accreditation to programmes or courses of studies at further
  • and higher education levels;
  • oversees quality assurance of both educational institutions and programmes or courses;
  • oversees the recognition of obtained national or international qualifications as well as prospective qualifications;
  • presides over validation of informal and non-formal learning;
  • conducts research and policy recommendation on issues related to further and higher education.

The MQF Logo:

The MFHEA is the only authority in Malta which provides official local licences to Educational Institutions in Malta. Whenever you see the logo below next to each course title, that is an official stamp of approval by the MFHEA.

The logo indicates that courses in Malta have gone through an integral and thorough assessment and quality assurance process by the MFHEA’s team of experts, to ensure that the level of courses in Malta and their delivery are of the highest and most adequate standard. The logo also means that the course is an accredited course.

What is an accredited course?

An accredited course means that the course has gone through a full checklist and assessment by the MFHEA’s experts and that the course is pegged at an MQF Level (Malta Qualifications Framework). Only fully accredited and approved educational institutions which are recognised by the MFHEA can legally offer accredited courses with the MQF.

Want to know more? Visit the MFHEA’s Website.

What does the term ‘MQF Level’ mean?

Basically if a course is accredited, it means that it is rated at a certain level according to the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF). Perhaps you’ve seen courses which are accredited at MQF Level 5, 6 , 7 or even 8. The Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) categorises qualifications in Malta based on their level of difficulty, the duration of the course and the intensity of content.

The MQF helps students to see the level of academic intensity the course is, and it also helps students to get an overview of what the next MQF Levels are, so that they are further inspired to reach higher goals.

The MQF Levels:

  • Make qualifications easier to understand and compare
  • Classify qualifications by level, based on the learning outcomes
  • The classification reflects the content and profile of qualifications – i.e. what the holder of a certificate or diploma is expected to know, understand and be able to do.

The framework starts at MQF Level 1, all the way to MQF Level 8 (at Doctorate Level).

To know more about the MQF Levels, click on the link here, which will take you to the MFHEA’s official page.

What are the differences between a Qualification and an Award?